Interactive workshops, seminars, presentations, motivational speeches, or team building, customized for your specific audience of any size.
Effective Communication – In the workplace, at home, in social situations, for business networking
Successful Goal Setting Strategies – in all aspects of life including personal and professional
Life Balance – For professional groups, mothers’ groups, parents of children with special needs
Dating Success – for singles, during any phase of separation, divorce or post-divorce, widowed
Support Groups/Moving-On Groups – During any phase of breakup, separation, divorce, or post-divorce
Communication Skills:
Communicate to Listen and Be Heard
Communication Strategies That Work
Listen Your Way Into Their Hearts
Communicate to Finally Be Heard
Secrets to Successful Conversation
Breaking the Ice – Socially
Getting Comfortable With Saying No
What’s Your Love Language?
Setting Boundaries and Developing Communication Skills to be Effectively Heard
Goal Setting:
Successful Strategies for Goal Setting
Transform Your Stumbling Blocks Into Stepping Stones
Get Unstuck
Life Balance:
Balance for the Out-of-Balance Life
Achieving Work-Life Balance
Stress Management
Reduce Holiday Stress
Dating Success:
Breakup to Breakthrough
Suddenly Single
Dating Essentials
Dating Success Simplified
Internet Dating Success
Holiday Success for Singles
What’s Your Love Language?
Smooth Sailing on Dating’s Choppy Waters
Dating Communication Strategies That Work
Secrets to Successful Dating communication
Love With a Plan
Understanding The Opposite Sex
Flirting 101
Laws of Attraction