There’s a reason that we have “two ears and one mouth,” let’s use them in that ratio on our dates and during our initial interactions which may lead to dates. Nothing will endear you more to a prospective partner than making that person feel truly heard; it’s a powerful rapport builder and a gift. At the same time, you will gather an abundance of valuable information, very early on, about the person who you are conversing with. Of course, you will learn about him/her in a light, curious, and nonjudgmental way, while you are asking open ended questions and carefully listening. You will then leave your conversation with effective tools to help you decide wisely about further interaction.
As you are listening (twice the amount that you are speaking) you will aspire to be what I refer to as a “good quality hunter.” Yes, you put on your hunting gear and train your brain to quickly identify positives in the person you are speaking with. We don’t need any training or coaching to identify the negatives; those easily jump out at us human beings. The more we can focus on the positive qualities, in that person’s character, personality, spirit, or attitude, the better chance we have of truly connecting, embracing opportunities, and bringing the love into our lives that we desire.
These tips have worked successfully for many of my coaching clients and I’ll be sharing many more with you as an expert panelist at “The Great Love Debate NYC” on May 20th. You seriously don’t want to miss this event…
Use my discount code: HEIDI10 to save 25% on tickets
Register Here: https://nyclove.eventbrite.com